Credit Roll

This site is in Thanks and Dedication to my friend, Star, for introducing me to Kino no Tabi. Had it not been for them, I would have never experienced KnT. Another big Thank You to my guildies over at [DIRE] for pushing me to be myself, enjoy myself, and to continue this project. I love you guys so much.

Please realize all information on this site is relative to any information discovered in english-speaking communities involving Kino no Tabi / Kino's Journey, and is not an end-all wiki. If you find any errors, please contact me at freakmoch[at] or bug me on Twitter.


  • Keiichi Sigsawa for creating and writing Kino no Tabi
  • Kouhaku Kuroboshi for creating beautiful artwork

Light Novels

  • Untuned-Strings for the only good translation of Kino on the internet. Bless your soul
  • Baka-Tsuki for an alternative translation, and many of the PDFs provided.
  • Barnnn for the translation of the first novel in the series, as well as various other translations.
  • SomewhatOkay for continuing the novel translations where B-T & Untuned left off.
  • Goodreads for the cover images on the light novel section
  • TokyoPop for the first localization. Despite it causing no other official translations to come out, Without this edition, I would have no clue that Kino existed in the first place.


  • ACGT for the original 13 episode anim, the OVA, and the Tou no Kuni movie.
  • ADV films for the English release of the original anime
  • Shaft for the The Land of Sickness movie
  • Lerche & Egg Firm for the newer anime
  • Crunchyroll for streaming this anime on my tight-ass budget


  • The Hylia for the collection of Kino Albums and MP3s.
  • Motoro for the Their Memories & Sound Sketch albums, provided thru
  • COUNTER-COLETTE for reprises of some of the 2003 anime OST


  • Kino's Journey Wikia for Various tidbits of information
  • - Main information used in profiles.

Gallery Images (Minitokyo, RubberSlug)

  • Tama-Neko - Various Scans, Almost everything is scanned by Tama!
  • Iga/Anon - Shitajiki 2004(?)
  • Vipera-nya/Anon - Novel
  • ykishige966 - Movie DVD
  • Piccolobear - Stitiching, Artbook Scans
  • MisaSasekage - Dvd?, Magazine Spreads, Artbook
  • adri24rukiachan - Riku, Shizu, and Til Scan
  • nat - Artbook
  • Weskalia - Movie Poster(?)
  • crixyo - Magazine
  • Brimeura - Novel, Novel Covers
  • Twenty-to-Nine - Magazine and Novel
  • MapleRose - English Cover
  • AWOL/Anon - Fruitful
  • CelluoidCentral, cenbe, cypher, gcu, tabbykitty101 - genga, rilezu, and cels

Citations for Quotes

  1. Chapman, Jacob. “Interview: Keiichi Sigsawa.” Anime News Network, 11 Sept. 2017,
    1. ...A producer approached me asking if I wanted to do a new anime, because he had done a short picture drama on Nico Nico Douga with Aoi Yūki doing the voice acting, and it was a hit. Based on that, he wanted to make a new series with Aoi Yūki playing the part of Kino.
    2. not a sequel or a second season, it should be considered a completely new remake.
  2. "This Week in Anime - How Does the Kino's Journey Remake Compare to the Original Series?” Edited by Jacob Chapman and Steve Jones, Anime News Network, 17 Oct. 2017,
    Jacob Apparently the new voice of Kino, Aoi Yūki, was the driving force behind getting more made... But guess what Aoi Yūki's debut anime role was? [A picture of Kino and Sakura together from the 12th episode of the 2003 anime. Jacob is reffering to Sakura in this picture to make a point]
  3. Kawahara, Reki. "SAO II episode 6 Live Commentary" Translated by @kunori_comm_en, 23 Sept. 2014,
    We got Sigsawa's opinion on how Kirito should extract the bullet from the Five-seveN too! Thanks for your attention to details every time…!
    Sinon firing a anti-materiel rifle while standing! I shot a Barrett M82 while gathering data in Guam (of course, with the stand), but the recoil was unusually light.
  4. Morrissy, Kim. "How Keiichi Sigsawa Went From Writing Kino's Journey to Sword Art Online Alternative", May 18th 2018,
    1. Sigsawa was able to write a Sword Art Online spinoff in particular because of his connections to both Dengeki Bunko and the anime industry. According to an interview with ANN, he became intensely fascinated with the series after reading the Gun Gale Online arc and wished that he could write storis in that setting. In the first afterword of Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online, he also mentioned that he knew Nobuhiro Osawa, the chief producer of the Sword Art Online, because he had also been a producer on the original Kino's Journey anime in 2003. It was Osawa who asked him to supervise the firearms in the Sword Art Online II, knowing what a gun nerd he was. That gave Sigsawa the opportunity to ask Reki Kawahara and the Dengeki Bunko Editorial Department if he could write a full-on spinoff, and the rest is history.